How vec<T> works

Just wanted to make a quick post about the workings of this site.
After years of using bloated web servers or frameworks that pull in 10000 dependencies I've come te realize that Not only do you not Need any of that, it only makes your life harder.
So here's what the project structure of this website looks like as of writing this article directory structure

The project structure

That's all! Just some static HTML pages that I serve with Nginx, the deploy script looks like this:

scp -r *

Adding pages to the site is a breeze, just create a new file and ./deploy it. Pages naturally load fast since I don't include any unneeded junk, the default stylesheet used by most pages is under 100 lines long.

What's funny is that this approach is actually more time efficient than using a blogging platform.
Want to add timestamps to my articles? I just achieved it in under a minute. You don't get that flexibility with prebuilt systems.

Some will argue that this approach doesn't scale well, but it actuall does You're just offloading repetetive work that your server/database would be doing and instead accomplishing it with editor macros or shell scripts.
In reality the 7 layer 100000 dependecy tech stack is the approach that doesn't scale. All my javascript projects from just a couple years ago now refuse to even start up becaue npm says they now have dozens of security vulnerabilities.
Meanwhile the 26+ year old is still up, really makes you think 🤔

Moral of the story: usually creating a website by hand is better than doing it the "industry standard" way.