...torture puppies here...

I've been doing some javascript work these last couple days and came across this stackoverflow answer that included the humorous string of text seen in the title of this post.

I'm guessing they included it because the author of the question was trying to do something that could be considered "evil", but I was still curious to see if this was some kind of esoteric joke. So I did a quick google search.

NOTE: do not do a duckduckgo search unless you want to see actual puppy torture.

The results were... disappointing.
Dozens of websites that appear to just scrape stack overflow and reupload their content as if it's their own. I've come across sites like those before, but the unique string made it all the more easy to find the motherload.

I don't really have anything else to say about this other than that it makes me appreciate original content on the internet. We should all strive to be the puppy torturer from stackoverflow, not the clones from the google search results.